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Virtues of a leader

My experience on leadership wrt to virtues a leader must have in simple terms, this frame work is from Mr Shiengo,s book key strategies for plant improvement and the ideal team player by Mr Patrick Lencioni

Shiegeo shingo told us 4 type of engineers –

Sham engineers who will always say impossible for doing any thing. Catalog engineers are those who collects, catalogs ,literature and reports; look thru them and provide solution. Table engineers are the one who trade opinions around conference table without making an effort to visit to market place / shop floor.

True engineers are the one who transcend what is thought to be impossible and who are intent on success.They have the ability of last two as well as they go to market place/ shop floor to check the specifics.

In management too there are 4 personas-

Accidental mess maker -A team member who is wicked smart ,motivated bubbling with great ideas however may rub the team members in wrong way the person is humble and hungry but not smart.

Here humble attribute can be described as “Humility is’t less of yourself,but thinking of yourself less”

Skillful politician-A team member who is every one’s friend and confidant, and knows perfect thing to say every time. He is motivated eager and ambitious but only for personal benefit.

He is Hungary and smart but not humble.

Smart attribute can be described as emotional intelligence and interpersonal awareness.The capability to conduct oneself in group situation and deal with others in most effective way.they are good listeners and asks good questions.

Smartness not necessarily imply good intentions.Leaders need to be discerning of smart people who are in it for wrong reasons.

Love able slacker-A team member who cares about his colleagues,always ebullient and positive.Technically capable ,dependable and is a solid member of the team.He does only what is asked him to do and rarely proactive with seeking newer areas of work.

He is humble and smart but not hungry.

Bulldozer-A team member who is powerhouse of execution,he is determined to get stuff done but with focus on his personal achievement but not team.He neither knows nor cares how his words impact people around him.

He is the one who is hungry but neither humble nor smart.


What we need in a leader who is true engineer and has virtues of humility ,Hungary and smartness.Should not be missing on any one.

Mr. Ramesh Chandra Maheshwari

President(Intracity Business) at Bajaj Auto LTD.

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